Erasmus+ Programme

Moscow State University of Technology „STANKIN“ (Moscow, Russia) is the partner of University of Zielona Gora (Poland) within the program of the European Union in the area of Erasmus + education.

The program is aimed at increasing student and professor mobility with the purpose of improving the quality of education, training methods and training of highly qualified specialists with international experience.

All activities are financed by Erasmus + program during 2018-2022 period.


Competition for Bachelors in Program participation during the summersemester of 2020/2021 academic year.

1.     MSTU “STANKIN“organizes a competition for Bachelors to participate in the Progam during the summer semester of 2020/2021 academic year.

Condition of competitionisuniversity studies of students of MSTU “STANKIN” (1 bachelor - 3 year of study) at University of Zielona Gora during the term Fabruary - June 2021.

Conditions of participation:

-         foreign passport;

-         English B1 level;

-         rating for the whole period of education (not lower than 40);

-         research activity (participation in research and research and methodology work of departments, awards for research and educational work);

-         publication activity.

2.     Competition Commission should summarize the results of the competition no later than 14.12.2020.

All information concerning the competition one can get from

Department of Engineering ecology and life safety Chairman,

Professor, D.Eng.Sc., L. Shvartsburg

(lecture room 320, tel. 8 (499) 972-94-83)